Emotional Intelligence
Cover Subline
Cover Subline
EQ & Success for Managers
Foundational Reading
Employees who trust their bosses have more energy, less stress, and fewer sick days. Here are 4 ways to establish trust with your workers.
A People Leader's Guide to Active Listening
High-Performing Teams Need Psychological Safety. Here’s How to Create It.
If You Aspire to Be a Great Leader, Be Present
Good Leadership Is About Communicating "Why"
How to Spot an Incompetent Leader
To be a great leader, you need to start by leading yourself
The Counterintuitive Thing about Trust that Explains Why So Many Teams Have Issues with It
Self-Awareness Can Help Leaders More Than an MBA Can
Are You Emotionally Intelligent? Here’s How to Know for Sure
The process of building trust works in the opposite way that you think it does
Creating A Culture of Recognition
The emotionally intelligent way to resolve disagreements faster
If You Can't Empathize With Your Employees, You'd Better Learn To
Gratitude: How To Change Negative Beliefs, Be Happy, And Become Successful
Empathy Quiz - Get your empathy score with feedback and tips on how to increase it
11 Habits of Genuinely Likable People
Brené Brown and Marc Brackett On Emotional Intelligence During A Pandemic
5 reasons we need emotionally intelligent leaders in times of crisis
Further Reading
The secret to making Zoom meetings meaningful for you and your coworkers
The ultimate guide to becoming a better boss in 30 days, with exercises and advice from the co-creator of Netflix's influential culture deck
Tapping into the power of humble narcissism
10 Things Great Leaders Say That Creates Engaged Teams
Here's the "superpower" that makes LinkedIn CEO Jeff Weiner so popular and successful
How psychological safety actually works
What makes a great leader, explained in eight counterintuitive charts
A lesson in compassion: How Airbnb Co-Founder/CEO Brian Chesky let go of 25% of their workforce
How Smart People Handle Toxic People
Master the art of influence: persuasion and skill as a habit
Good Leaders Are Great Storytellers - 6 Tips for Telling Stories that Resonate
Videos & Podcasts
Foundational Topics
Leadership and Compassion by Daniel Goleman
How to make stress your friend by Kelly McGonigal
Why good leaders make you feel safe by Simon Sinek
The tribes we lead by Seth Godin
The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team (Summary)
Are you a giver or a taker? by Adam Grant
The puzzle of motivation by Dan Pink
Understanding Empathy by Simon Sinek
Dare to Lead: Interview with Brene Brown
Breaking down the meaning of presence by Amy Cuddy
Introduction to the Culture Code by Dan Coyle
How great leaders inspire action by Simon Sinek
More Great Stuff
Adam Grant Work Life: We Don’t Have to Fight Loneliness Alone
Dr. Marc Brackett and Brené Brown on "Permission to Feel"
Extreme Ownership by Jocko Willink
Build Your Personal Charisma by Olivia Fox Cabane
Are you an ideal team player? by Patrick Lencioni
How to Build Trust by Dr John Gottman
The Power of Vulnerability by Brene Brown
3 Steps to Accelerate the Speed of Trust
Creating Psychological Safety at Work in a Knowledge Economy by Amy Edmondson
Good to Great - Level 5 Leaders
How to Win Friends and Influence People - Summary
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Summary
Jordan Peterson: Improving your listening skills
Primal Leadership,
by Daniel Goleman
Servant Leadership: A Journey into the Nature of Legitimate Power and Greatness (25th Anniversary Edition)
, by Robert K. Greenleaf
Start with Why,
by Simon Sinek
Extreme Ownership,
by Jocko Willink
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People,
by Steven Covey
The Five Dysfunctions of A Team,
by Patrick Lencioni
The Charisma Myth,
by Olivia Fox Cabane
Give and Take,
by Adam Grant
Dare to Lead
, by Brené Brown
The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership
, by John C. Maxwell
Trillion Dollar Coach
, by Eric Schmidt, Jonathan Rosenberg, Alan Eagle
Leaders Eat Last
, by Simon Sinek
by Vivek Murthy
, Daniel Pink
, by Amy Cuddy
The Culture Cod
e, Dan Coyle
Emotional Intelligence
, Daniel Goleman
Good to Great
, by Jim Collins
, by Seth Godin
How to Win Friends and Influence People
, by Dale Carnegie
How Will You Measure Your Life
, by Clayton Christensen & James Allworth
More Resources
“Super Connector” Questions
for more meaningful conversations
What are meaningful things you’d want people to know about you?
What does it look like when you are thriving?
What are you passionate about? What is important to you?
What are some of the best projects you’ve worked on?
What are some of your proudest accomplishments—personally and/or professionally?
What do you enjoy most about your role (highlights)? What do you enjoy least (lowlights)? What changes would make you happier at work?
Tell me about the best boss you’ve ever had. The worst?
What are your career goals? Personal goals?
What strengths, skills, or experiences do you feel you bring to your role/team?
What are areas you would like to grow in or skills you’d like to develop?
How can I help you get to your next job?
What ideas do you have to improve things or make a difference?
[For the team] How can we do better as a team?
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